Codibugnolo –

For the creation of the nests present in Stigma we were obviously inspired by nature. Insects and vultures, in fact, are capable of creating stunning structures of great sophistication and complexity, often perfectly camouflaged in the vegetation that surrounds them.

Pendolino –

In particular, we were struck by the nests of the european pendulin (Remiz pendulinus) and the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus), graceful little birds that also live in Italy. These birds build pouch-shaped nests, with a small opening at the top.

Using purple willow branches, plant fibres, grasses and mosses – all materials recovered from our gardens or the countryside – we reproduced this type of nest and installed them on the plants, in order to recreate a habitat as close as possible to the natural one.

We know we cannot reach the perfection of the “houses” that birds build, but it seemed nice to pay homage to such expertise and care.


Furthermore, by intertwining branches of hazelnut, willow, cornus, parthenocissus and palm and muhlenbeckia fibres, we have also created dens of small mammals, which can be found scattered throughout the thick of the woods.



Water is an essential element in nature and the primary source of life. For this reason, a body of water surrounded by rich vegetation could not be missing from our natural forest-garden. Not only is a lake beautiful in itself, but it is also a center of attraction for the local fauna which can find refuge and nourishment there.


In the Stigma project the lake is not immediately visible but can be reached by entering the heart of the woods, like a secret place of peace and tranquility.


For this corner we have chosen some native marsh and floating plants from the Antica Pieve Piante Perenni catalogue, including: Stratiotes aloides, Iris pseudacorus, Lythrum salicaria, Salix rosmarinifolia, Nymphaea alba, Juncus effusus and Carex pendula. Discover them in our gallery!

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